Through this year of St. Paul, remembering the two thousandth anniversary of his birth, there have been many reflections on his life and ministry. In this article I would like to draw out from his letters his constant concern for us as Christians that we would live holy and chaste lives.

St. Paul knew that everyone of us need to become living Saints if we are to enter into the Beatific Vision that is Heaven. With this in mind he constantly exhorts us to live lives of great holiness.

In his letter to the Galatians Ch. 5. Paul describes in detail what it means to live a life controlled by the flesh. Amongst these grave sins he begins with sins against holy chastity. "Lewd conduct, impurity, licentiousness".

Following this list of works of the flesh, Paul lists the Fruits of the Spirit which are true marks of holiness and concludes his list with the fruit of chastity. In some translations this will be translated as self control which is at the root of living a chaste and holy life.

You may be surprised by the statement that we need to be capital "S" Saints in order to enter heaven, but that is the reality. In Rev. 21:27 we read that nothing imperfect can enter therein. The soul still wounded by venial sin or the affects of sins forgiven ( temporal punishment) needs to be completely purified before it can exist in perfect union with God. That purification comes about through the grace and mercy of God. Beginning here and now in our daily lives lived out within this mortal flesh as we cooperate  with God's grace and live lives of holiness. If it is incomplete at death then the soul is finally purified in the state we call Purgatory.

So now is the time to fully respond to the immeasurable power and grace that is available to us (Eph. 1:19) by living a holy and chaste life.

In todays society we are often willing to make excuses for immoral behavior. Even justifying sin by saying: "Everyone lives this way." or, "I cannot help myself, the devil made me do it!" or, "you are living in the past, this is the 21st century"!

The truth is Gods law is unchangeable and none of us can excuse ourselves through ignorance.

In St. Paul's letter to the Romans Ch. 1, he reminds us that God has revealed himself through creation. He goes onto say that those who reject God are inexcusable. They rejected God; did not glorify God or give him thanks. In doing so their hearts were darkened and gave themselves up to the lusts of the flesh even to unnatural intercourse. Women with women, men with men. ( sodomy). In Romans 2 St. Paul reminds us that God has written his laws upon our hearts. Rom. 2:12 Sinners who do not have the law will perish without reference to it; sinners bound by the law will be judged in accordance with it.

Rom. 2:15-16 They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts. Their conscience bears witness together with the law, and their thoughts will accuse or defend them on the day when, in accordance with the gospel I preach, God will pass judgment on the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.

So we see that each one of us will stand before the face of God and then there will be no excuses.

The wonder of God's love and mercy is that while we still have breath we can repent of our sins and God who is merciful and just will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1Jn. 1:9. He desires that no one should be lost 1Tim.2:4. so does all in His power to draw us to repentance and conversion.

As we read through the letters of St. Paul, and this would be a good exercise for us all through this year of St. Paul, we come across lists of grave sins that separate us from God. These sins which are grave matter and when done with full knowledge and full freedom destroy all sanctifying grace in the soul. The soul is literally dead.

1Tim. 1:8-10. 1Cor. 6:9-10. Always included in these lists are sins against chastity. Fornicators, adulterers,sodomites, sexual perverts. St. Paul also compares these sins to idolatry in Col.3:5. Put to death whatever in your nature is rooted in earth; fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desires and the lust which is idolatry.

We must always remember that as God's children Baptized in the Spirit we have access to grace beyond measure to resist temptation and be victorious over our sinful desires.

 I would urge you to memorize 1Cor. 10:13. No temptation has seized you except that which is common to every man. God is faithful, he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted he will provide a way that you may stand against it.

When temptation comes, which it surely does, and often when least expected, then speak these words into your mind affirming God's grace and power which is there for you to resist the wiles of the devil and his perverse spirits.

So let us be filled with courage and hope that, God is faithful. He won the victory over sin and death on the cross and will give us the grace to stand firm. We need to arm ourselves with God's armor every day. Eph. 6:10-17. Protecting our mind and whole body from the assaults of the enemy.

We have the great Sacrament of God's love, mercy and forgiveness. The Sacrament of Penance when we fail. It is here that we are cleansed in God's infinite love and fortified to resist the devil and grow in holiness and persevere in running the race. Phil 3:12-16.

Let us also be confident : that he who has begun the good work in us will bring it to completion, right up to the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6.

Peter Thompson.

St. Paul, pray for us.